
6 TikTok Storytelling Frameworks to Contemplate in Your Advertising and marketing Strategy [Infographic]

TikTok ad creative tips

Want to add TikTok to your digital marketing mix but don’t know where to start and what types of content approaches are best for your products?

The key to success at TikTok lies in creating content that looks like other TikTok clips. Over-produced promotions are simply skipped and blatant, annoying ads are less effective in the app. The general advice from the platform is that you should be guided by the other content on the user feeds to make it feel more natural and welcoming.

How can you do that and still maximize advertising value?

This week, TikTok released an overview of six of the most effective TikTok advertising techniques based on branded approaches. You can read the full overview of TikTok, including video samples, here, but we’ve also rounded up the six options in the infographic below that can help inform your TikTok marketing strategy.

And as the platform grows towards a billion users, this is definitely worth considering.