
Totally different Varieties of E-mail Advertising and marketing Strategies

Different Types of Email Marketing Methods

Similar to chess, in marketing there is a reason for every step a marketer takes. Every post, retweet and email has to mean something. This is where email marketing comes in. Not many believe in the power this form of marketing has, but through this article we aim to educate as many as possible.

What is Email Marketing?

When email is used strategically to promote products and / or services, generate leads, build relationships, or just keep in touch with existing customers, it’s called email marketing.

From the newsletter to the start of new offers or offers, everything in between falls under this form of marketing. It has been recognized as one of the most effective digital marketing channels due to its high ROI (Return On Investment).

Why is email marketing important?

Since it is not as noticeable or expensive as, for example, social media, it is often mistakenly viewed as ineffective. However, everyone seems to forget that while many miss a message on social media, they have to open it if it’s right there in their email.

According to a survey, 59% of recipients are influenced by email when it comes to making purchase-related decisions. When used intelligently, email marketing can generate many leads that can ultimately lead to sales.

Types of Email Marketing Methods

Below are some of the different types of email that can be used for different purposes depending on your needs:

Email newsletter

With newsletters, companies can not only educate their potential as well as existing customers, but also keep them up to date on their ongoing projects or anything else they want.

However, any company or company that chooses to create newsletters must have a goal in mind. There should be a clear goal that you want to achieve with this newsletter, e.g. B. to promote existing customers, generate new leads and so on.

Special emails

They are also known as standalone emails and contain information about just a single offer. For example, you may want to let your audience know that you have an upcoming event that they would like to attend.

The types of emails are great for creating context for your readers before you give them the primary call to action. In a way, they’re the email equivalent of a landing page. These are usually intended for your entire email list.

Welcome emails

Introductions are important. For this reason, you should email anyone who wins a new subscriber. Greet them in the family. While it is not exactly common to send such emails, it helps in establishing an instant connection with the subscriber.

It has been shown to be very effective. So make sure you send out a number of emails (maybe three or so, not too many) to introduce the new subscribers to your company and its latest developments.

Lead Raising Emails

These type of emails are created with the buyer personalities a business is targeting in mind. This is because nurturing leads is not an easy task and personalization goes a long way in helping the process.

These emails are strictly limited to containing formations that would be useful to the recipient and quite valuable in terms of effectiveness compared to a normal explosion of email.

Sponsorship emails

When it comes to building connections by trying to reach a different audience in order to get new leads, sponsorship emails are sent along with display ads. This type of email is usually paid because you have to pay someone else to include your content in their newsletter or a specific email.

Sponsorship emails are part of the paid media strategy and also include PPC (Pay Per Click), mobile advertising, display advertising, affiliate advertising, etc. This paid strategy is very useful if you specify your target audience in the description.

Abandoned cart emails

We have all seen such emails in our inboxes and this can be a pretty effective strategy for marketing campaigns. Like many other emails, these are also automated – as the name suggests.

If you add items to your shopping cart but do not follow up on them, these emails will be sent to you. They are usually accompanied by offers like a 10% discount to give the recipient an incentive.

Post-purchase emails

These types of emails rarely show up in our inboxes, but they shouldn’t. Such emails are sent after a customer has made a purchase, e.g. B. a follow-up. These emails can ask for feedback on the product or service.

In addition, it can contain helpful information about the care of products, for example when you buy a gadget. It helps in building a relationship with your customer as it shows that your business is not just about making sales, but also making sure that you are looked after afterwards too.

Invite social media emails

Since social media has become such an important tool in marketing, every business and company tries to be present on different platforms. Because of this, these emails are sent to subscribers so that they can increase their engagement.

These also help bridge the gap between emails and social media profiles, as it is easier to actively interact with customers there.

Reintegration of emails

You can use metrics to easily determine which subscribed clients are active or inactive. Now you need to do something to deal with the inactive ones again. One of the most successful ways has been to ask them for their feedback, as the work of your company naturally pops up again on their minds.

If they answer, it’s only good for you. Not only are they active again, but they also come up with new ideas on how to improve your business. In the worst case, opting out will only improve your engagement rates. This then improves your email reputation with ISPs (Internet Service Providers).


Email has so much potential and can be used in a number of different ways, some of which have been listed above. This is highly effective packaged information that requires very little investment but can work wonders for your business. Email marketing should therefore not be taken lightly, but given the credit due.

For more creative ideas for writing emails and other aspects of digital marketing, visit the Digital Ready blog section. Also, check out the different digital marketing courses we offer and take your first step to becoming a digital marketer.