
LEGO recreates iconic 1980’s advert to rejoice feminine leaders of tomorrow

LEGO recreates iconic 1980's ad to celebrate female leaders of tomorrow

The LEGO Group is calling on families to celebrate the skills, interests and creative potential of the next generation of female leaders by recreating their iconic 1981 advertisement

On the 40th anniversary of the “What it is is beautiful” display, the LEGO group has launched a campaign to support this year’s International Women’s Day. The group’s campaign is intended to encourage and support young women of today on their way to becoming decision-makers, role models and change makers of the future – regardless of their interests, passions or career goals.

At, parents and guardians can find inspiration and submit a photo of their child with their LEGO creation and a few words describing their child’s creative approach. A one-of-a-kind poster in the style of iconic 1980s advertising is then emailed back, ready to be proudly displayed or shared with #LEGOFutureBuilders.

Julia Goldin, Global Chief Product and Marketing Officer at LEGO Group, commented: “At LEGO Group, we believe that children are our role models. We look for inspiration every day and want to help them break down gender stereotypes and create opportunities for everyone. Celebrating people helps empower people, and with this campaign we want to join with parents and caregivers to celebrate the skills and creative potential of today’s young women – the next generation of amazing female leaders. “

Research from the latest LEGO Play Well study shows that 73% of parents believe that gender differences are more driven by societal expectations than biology. As many children try to positively challenge gender stereotypes in society, the LEGO Group is committed to supporting them and making them more inclusive and a diverse workforce that lives up to their ideals and expectations.

The LEGO Group recently unveiled its Responsible Workplace initiatives and signed up to the UN Principles on the Empowerment of Women to show how women and girls can be better empowered, gender equality accelerated and more young girls encouraged to do so believe that they can achieve anything that they achieve put their hearts on.