
Retro Textual content Results with Adobe Illustrator’s Mix Instrument

How To Create Topographic Map Patterns in Photoshop

Follow today's Adobe Illustrator tutorial to create a simple but effective text effect with a touch of retro flair that uses stacks of text elements that are progressively further apart. It reminds me of the kind of design you might see on an old VHS tape box or an ad for an '80s technology brand. Illustrator's blend tool is used to create the basic effect. However, I'll also show you a trick that allows you to change the spacing of the text with a cool relaxing effect, and show you how to create variations on the artwork by combining different combinations of solids and text styles.

Retro text effects with the Adobe Illustrator blending tool "width =" 660 "height =" 660 "data-jpibfi-post-excerpt =" "data-jpibfi-post-url =" / Videos / Video-Tutorial-Retro-Text-Effects-with-Adobe-Illustrators-Mixing-Tool "data-jpibfi-post-title =" Video-Tutorial: Retro-Text-Effects-with-the-Mixing-Tool of Adobe Illustrator "data-jpibfi- =" "data -src = "" class = "Alignnone size-full wp-image-11140 lazyload" src = "data : image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "/></p><p><img loading=Subscribe to the Spoon Graphics YouTube channel

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