Tag: Balance

Her work-life stability wasn’t working, so a former high-flying lawyer give up and launched her personal enterprise

This story first appeared on aufkapselnz.com Katie Gray had “it all”. She was a high profile partner in a prestigious law firm in Singapore and had reached dizzying heights in her profession. At the same time, she and her husband and family had been on three maternity leave and three international moves.DeliveredKatie Gray’s new career

New Steadiness celebrates the ability of feminine experiences in new marketing campaign

New Balance celebrates the power of female experiences in a new campaign

New Balance shares a multitude of stories and experiences of its athletes and ambassadors across all channels New balance celebrated International Women’s Day by launching a storytelling series that focuses on women’s self-expression and women’s empowerment. In line with the brand’s commitment to purposeful action and storytelling, New Balance will share a variety of stories