
Influencer Advertising Rising 12 months by 12 months with Manufacturers Searching for Extra Influencers to Promote Their Merchandise / Digital Data World

Influencer Marketing Growing Year by Year with Brands Looking for More Influencers to Promote Their Products / Digital Information World

With newer brands appearing in online markets every other day, it has become very difficult for brands to keep up with the competition and market their brands to a wide audience. One of the most important things brands have started doing over the years is the help of influencers on different platforms to market and promote their products. The results have been really positive in terms of brand growth from this strategy.

So, if you’re a brand that is thinking about influencer marketing but hasn’t started yet, you’d better take the steps quickly.

However, when talking about digital marketing, the question that certainly arises is what tactic digital marketers use to be most successful in influencer marketing, and how seasoned agencies are trying to allocate their influencer marketing budgets this year to see how well that does Marketing online is brands will be doing in the following year.

To find answers to these questions, Linqia surveyed over 163 marketers and agency professionals from various industries to learn more about influencers’ use and how their strategies will evolve over the coming year.

The survey results found that many online brands are planning to increase their influencer marketing budget this year based on the positive results and great marketing they have received over the past year. The pandemic that started last year resulted in a lockdown and as a result, many people switched to shopping for their products online.

It was high time for brands to let people know what products they are selling online and whether the quality was good or not, and hence the brands have received help from the influencer community. This highlights the fact that people on social media have more to do with other people than with branded companies, which is an important element to consider when planning.

The next thing Linqia found out was that brands were getting help with marketing strategies from micro-influencers with a fan base between 5,000 and 10,000 instead of big celebrities, since influencers with smaller audiences are not only more cost-effective but can also be more connected to their communities that they built through more direct engagement and interaction. This allows them to make brands look stronger and, in return, generate more sales with the brands.

This year’s survey found that 90% of marketers chose to work with micro-influencers. This is an increase from the 80% seen in 2020.

The next thing Linqia observed was that many brands were sending PRs to a total of 5 to 10 influencers at a time for brand marketing as this helps get the message across to a wider pool.

The most common apps used for brand marketing and influencer selection for marketing were Instagram at the top, followed by TikTok, Snapchat, and then Twitter.

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