
Neron Meiler, Digital Advertising Visionary reveals what to anticipate now

Neron Meiler, Digital Marketing Visionary reveals what to expect now

“Neron Meiler CEO of Screen Media Group, one of the leading Hispanic digital marketing agencies in Miami.”

In today’s economy, all businesses are technology companies. If you don’t disrupt your industry, are innovative, efficient, easy to use, provide fast, reliable service, and add more value, you are likely to go away even if you haven’t noticed before. Whether you are a hospital, a school, a family business or a corporation, we are affected by this new wave.

Miami, FL, USA – It seems that today everything revolves around innovation. It probably is, but just focusing on how to innovate without understanding what it means is a recipe for failure.

Everyone knows that innovation is critical to the continued health of any company. Indeed, the creation of new products, services, processes, and profit models is driving the growth not only of companies but also of national and global economies.

The digital marketing expert Neron Meiler says: “Innovation is not just about technology or about generating more money with fewer resources. It’s not art or creativity. We must overcome the myths associated with innovation and understand them in their essence in order to be able to use and apply them. Innovation is a skill. In addition, being innovative means having a vision and finding a process that in practice supports the profitable growth of a company in a unique way. ”

In the last 30 years, innovation in the digital field has been straightforward. However, mainly focus on applying technology to everything. The 2020 pandemic accelerated everything and now the rules of the game are a little different.

The world’s best innovators aren’t just the hottest companies today. On the contrary, they often grow in traditional companies. The best innovators are often companies that are under pressure to disappear. The larger the thread, the greater the need for innovation. Sometimes they are threatened with the commodification of a core product, or they are dealing with new entrants to the market or a new technology.

“People are smart, lazy. That’s why we make tools that make our lives easier. This is not necessarily bad, it leads us to innovation, and although we can argue that we are no smarter or happier today than we were 1000 years ago; we are moving towards a great understanding of the human mind and the universe. We learn by experiencing and ignoring every aspect of our life and not moving in a straight line to progress. That’s probably inefficient, but that’s how people have done it so far. Some people think that we are heading towards a resource-based economy where automation will eliminate work, money will become superfluous, and life’s daily goal is to enjoy its fulfillment in hobbies and studies to improve human life and the planet restore. We are still a long way from that, but we have to think about what our life should be like in 20 or 40 years. We still need money and use innovations to generate it quickly. The years 2020 and 2021 accelerate innovations, some of them in the form of real products that we use every day, such as video conferencing, cloud software, new social media such as TikTok or Clubhouse. I’m more impressed with the innovations related to rethinking the established process we already have to come up with disruptive new ideas.

In the field of digital marketing, for example, we have moved away from traditional product-based advertising and are using new tools such as inbound marketing, neuromarketing, story telling, social media, viral content, simple ecommerce solutions, SEO search engine optimization, growth hacking, automation e-commerce and much more.

The digital revolution has not only affected products and their manufacturing process, but digital disruption has already taken place, affected the business models of established companies and changed entire industries. Either you innovate or your company is destined to disappear. Technology is changing everything, including the way you traditionally do business. As we enter this new era of innovation, collaboration will become a key competitive feature. It will no longer be enough to be agile and disruptive, we have to discover and build, ”says Neron Meiler.

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