
Delusion or Fact: AI is Reshaping the Digital Advertising Trade?

Myth or Truth: AI is Reshaping the Digital Marketing Industry?

Is AI changing the digital marketing industry? Yes! In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an important unit in the field of digital marketing. Digital marketers around the world are using AI to streamline and optimize digital marketing campaigns and build customer loyalty in the digital age. For most people, AI seems like a scientific myth rather than a fact. However, the truth is that AI is no longer a far-fetched concept and is already changing the digital marketing industry. Indeed, it is forecast that by the end of 2021; Organizations would spend at least $ 57 billion on AI platforms and related technologies.

By enabling companies to efficiently collect, analyze, apply, and then learn from data, AI is reshaping digital marketing strategies. From Apple’s Siri to Alibaba’s FashionAI, more and more companies are implementing AI in their digital marketing activities. AI is definitely changing the future of digital marketing – here’s how.

AI and digital marketing

The use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing has been known as AI marketing. Essentially, AI marketing involves the integration of customer data and AI concepts such as big data analysis, machine learning and other processes to get a deeper insight into the target customers. These insights can help a business predict customers’ next move, improve the customer experience, develop more effective customer touchpoints, and overly improve customer interactions. In the long term, these findings improve the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns.

On a larger scale, AI marketing can be used to automate human-dependent digital marketing processes. Processes like content generation, web designs and pay-per-click ads (PPC) can be automated through AI marketing. In this way, AI marketing eliminates human error and generates better digital marketing results at a far lower cost.

Source: Pixabay

Nonetheless, AI marketing cannot completely eliminate people in digital marketing. Yes, AI marketing will crowd out certain tasks, but not basic human roles in digital marketing. Even with implementing AI in marketing, digital marketing still relies on human ingenuity, as compassion, empathy, and storytelling are some human attributes that machines, at least, cannot yet emulate. Essentially, AI marketing helps brands interact better with customers and generate growth.

Current trends in AI marketing

As already mentioned, both established companies and startups are already using AI in their digital marketing campaigns to improve the customer experience. The AI ​​marketing space is growing rapidly and is expected to be valued at $ 9.88 billion by 2022. Some of the ways companies are using AI in their digital marketing campaigns are:

  • Chatbots – If you work on the internet a lot, you have likely come across chatbots on various websites. A chatbot is software that uses AI to initiate conversations with website visitors and determine answers. Chatbots can have either auditory or textual conversations depending on their programming. Chatbots are increasingly used by businesses and have proven to be effective marketing tools. You can deliver targeted messages to customers, collect customer data, and guide or advise customers by answering specific questions.
  • Targeted content – Companies are using AI to collect data about protection customers and then predict future behavior or develop more targeted messaging. AI is also used to deliver targeted content either through chatbots, email, or dynamic content on a web page. By observing a prospect’s online behavior, AI can intelligently create the most appropriate content for a particular customer and automatically populate their emails with that content.
  • Content creation – Content marketing involves a lot of high quality content creation that can be quite costly and takes time. As a result, content creation is a major headache for businesses. AI can optimize content creation by generating more specific quality content on behalf of companies. Most companies turn to AI to create customer-centric and targeted content.

Why you need to implement AI in your digital marketing campaign

AI can help create more effective marketing strategies, improve the customer journey, and change the way companies attract, nurture, and transform potential customers. If you haven’t redesigned your digital marketing campaign using AI, you’re missing out on a lot. AI marketing enables you to stay on top of your digital marketing game by driving conversion and improving ROI. Check out DMI to find out how you can use AI in your digital marketing campaigns and generate growth.

Final thoughts

It is a fact that AI is reshaping the digital marketing industry. More and more companies and digital marketers are turning to AI for customer loyalty and better ROI in today’s dynamic digital age. In the field of digital marketing, AI systems are becoming more efficient, much faster and more accessible thanks to detailed algorithms and lower acquisition costs. Integrate AI into your digital marketing campaign and achieve better results in the long term.

I recently reached out to the Kettering Executive Network and the Executive Sales and Marketing Association (ESMA) here in Atlanta on the matter. Using real-world examples and a framework for understanding future impacts, I’ve shown how AI is transforming marketing as we know it. Click here to watch the webinar.