
At all times groups up with Olympic Gymnast to assist ladies in sports activities

Always team up with the Olympic gymnast to support girls in the sport

Always share practical advice on how parents and coaches can help girls keep playing, as well as some specific tips that Laurie shares directly with girls

Always, a female trademark, and Walmart work with Olympic champion Laurie Hernandez to encourage everyone to help girls stay in the sport. Millions of girls give up the sport through puberty, partly because many fail to see the long-term value of participating and therefore do not encourage them to keep playing.

In reality, her exercise is helping develop the confidence and skills she needs to do what she is passionate about in life. That's why Always and Walmart donated $ 250,000 to the Women & # 39; s Sports Foundation (WSF) to help girls stay in sports, and you can help double the impact.

For every view of the #KeepHerPlaying video on the Walmart website from December 28, 2020 through January 31, 2021, Always and Walmart will donate an additional $ 1 / £ 0.73 up to a potential total donation of $ half a million .

Having a dedicated support system plays a vital role in ensuring girls feel encouraged to stay in sport. It helps girls realize that exercise is important in building life skills and helps them stay motivated even when things get tough. That's why Always and Walmart hired Olympic gold medalist Laurie Hernandez to collect everyone and keep girls in the sport.

To help, they've developed tips at that offer practical advice on how parents and coaches can help girls keep playing, as well as some specific tips straight from Laurie to Girls.

“During my sporting career, my parents' support has meant the world to me. They kept me going in the moments I wanted to give up and helped me zoom out and see how the sport would benefit me long after my Olympic run, ”said Hernandez.

“I want all of the girls to feel the support I've always felt and they are inspired to become who they want to be. That's why I'm excited to partner with Always and Walmart to support #KeepHerPlaying. Together we can help more girls play, feel safe and strive for a better future. "

Research has shown that girls benefit greatly from exercise, with leadership, self-confidence and teamwork being three of the most important benefits. This is especially important now as more than one in three teenagers feel less safe from missing out on activities such as exercise after school since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Always and Walmart are committed to helping girls feel supported and confident to keep playing.

Always and Walmart donate to the Women’s Sports Foundation to help girls across the country stay in the sports that make them confident. The foundation has set itself the task of enabling girls and women to realize their potential in sport and life. Through its scholarships, fellowships, research, advocacy and curricula, the WSF has made a positive impact on the lives of millions of girls through exercise. Always's contribution will help increase its impact even further.

“For more than 35 years we've been committed to building girls' trust, and that's especially important now. We know that transformative weight training can help unleash that trust, and that's why we want to help, ”said Hesham Tohamy, Senior Vice President Feminine Care Procter & Gamble.

“We've worked with Walmart for over four years to help girls thrive through our #LikeAGirl and #EndPeriodPoverty live programs. This time we are reuniting to bring everyone together to encourage the girls in their lives to keep playing. Their participation leads to the development of the skills and confidence necessary to do everything they set out to do. Ultimately, it's not about how far she can get in sport, but how far sport can take her. "