
Neutro, a Daring Show Font for Entry All Areas Members

Access All Areas members can download a versatile new font this week thanks to Typologic. Neutro is a bold, sans serif display font that comes in four styles: regular, bold, extra bold, and an outline version. It's a wide font with a modern style that is great for typography purposes that require a strong identity.


Typologic is the home of Fadiel Muhammad, a font designer who has a variety of display fonts in his business, ranging from a futuristic space font to an elegant, classic style font. Each includes a selection of styles that make the font a versatile tool for headings, logos, posters, and other display needs. Follow Fadiel on Behance to see his latest font developments and find free demos of some of his fonts.

Learn more about Typologic

Neutro, a bold font for access to all members areas "width =" 660 "height =" 2640 "data-jpibfi-post-excerpt =" "data-jpibfi-post-url =" https: //blog.spoongraphics .co .uk / premium / neutro-a-bold-display-font-for-access to all areas-members "data-jpibfi-post-title =" Neutro, a bold font for access to all areas members "data-jpibfi- =" "data-src =" "class =" alignnone size-full wp- image-11115 lazyload "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "/></p><p>Neutro is supplied in four font styles (normal, bold, extra bold and outline), each of which is supplied in OTF format. With full multilingual support, this font is a versatile choice for creating a strong visual identity.</p><p class=Access this download