
Viewers Segmentation with Predictive Audiences

Audience Segmentation with Predictive Audiences

We talk a lot about marketing challenges, and these challenges often relate to marketers of certain maturity levels, industries, strategies, etc. But what is a universal challenge for all marketers? Target group segmentation. With our predictive audience ability in a nutshell, Marketo Engage transforms this fundamental piece of marketing in the most powerful way – through artificial intelligence. Predictive Audiences will be included in our Prime and Ultimate packages and will be available as an add-on to our Select package.

Target group segmentation: The great balancing act

Every marketer faces a similar dilemma with every program: it reaches the most committed and relevant audience and maximizes the conversion without tiring the recipients and opting out. It's important to achieve the conversion goals, but losing an audience member's ear forever is extremely effective and can take months or even years to fix.

But how can you reduce broadcast lists and at the same time achieve or even exceed your goals?

With Predictive Audiences, you can safely and intelligently target and involve the right people for your event and email campaigns to achieve and exceed your goals without tiring your audience.

AI in B2B marketing today

Artificial intelligence: still one of the most important buzzwords on the market. You hear about it all the time, but how did that affect your daily marketing workflows? Do you feel that you have the opportunity to use AI effectively and efficiently? Do you even have access to an AI today?

In fact, 66% of marketers want their AI applications to help them identify the right accounts and people to target, while only 18% of B2B marketers claim AI-driven personalization based on the level of artificial intelligence in the world Have introduced B2B marketing. Demand metric, 2019.

These conflicting statistics are largely due to some of the barriers to entry into existing AI solutions, such as: B. difficult onboarding and implementation as well as high costs and the perception of steep learning curves. Without AI, marketers can still find innovative ways to strike the balance we were talking about. However, these paths are often resource-intensive, require constant adjustments, and generate little confidence that these efforts will pay off.

AI should be made available to everyone and easy to use and use. This belief has led us to develop predictive audiences that make AI available to everyone and are part of everyday work! It also takes the manual effort and guesswork out of the equation and brings a new level of efficiency to target group segmentation and alignment.

Let us take a look at how you can use predictive audiences and how it changes everyday marketing basics for all marketers and sales strategies.

1. Maximize registration and attend events

Creating an invitation list for live events and webinars is often more art than science. For the enthusiastic event marketers out there, you know the classic workflow:

  • Try to match an audience based on marketing knowledge to the event theme, or just use an invitation list
  • Click Submit
  • Be fairly blind in how many registrants will actually attend
  • Keep your fingers crossed and host the event

With Predictive Audiences, we add artificial intelligence to your existing workflow to give you the confidence and efficiency to reach the right audience for your events:

  • Use AI-powered by Adobe Sensei to reach a very targeted audience using Likelihood to Register and Likelihood to Attend Predictive Filters
  • Send your invitations with confidence
  • Receive notifications when a goal is likely to be missed
  • Get smart recommendations on how and what to adjust
  • Reach and exceed event goals

And even better, all of this is embedded in your existing workflows. Simply drag these prediction filters into your Smart Lists and Smart Campaigns along with the many other audience segmentation triggers and filters that Marketo Engage has to offer. And voila! You have dramatically increased conversions while reducing your entire broadcast list.

2. Minimize opt-outs

The first benefit we mentioned was to achieve and exceed your event goals and only invite those who are most likely to register and / or participate. However, this is only part of the equation.

What if you could identify and suppress the users who are likely to log out? I can't stress this enough – with a few simple clicks, you can use artificial intelligence, powered by Adobe Sensei, in existing workflows to keep your database in good condition and significantly lower logout rates.

Don't let the ease of use of this feature undermine how groundbreaking it is. This feature gives you the confidence to continue to retain customers and manage unsubscriptions in an unprecedented way. In addition, you can use the Predictive Filter to unsubscribe to create and update a list of marketing contacts to avoid contacting these users in your instance. By not including those who are tired, you can dramatically increase the lifetime value of each audience by keeping them at the right level and frequency.

3. Replicate success from one program to the next

The events you organize are often part of a series. You may plan to create a new, ongoing webinar series to attract new users to your product. Instead of just rolling it out and hoping for the best, you decide to test it with a small group of users. And the pilot was a great success!

Instead of spending hours looking for similarities between participants to find out why it was successful to replicate them for the rest of the series, Predictive Audiences will find a similar audience based on a Smart List or Smart Campaign. Again, you can easily add an additional filter within your existing target group segmentation and targeting workflow in Marketo Engage to find similar target group members as in a defined Smart List or Smart Campaign. With this function, you can significantly reduce the value creation time for your program creation and give your marketing workflows new levels of efficiency.

4. Optimize the flight with intelligent recommendations

We make set-it-and-forget-it-event programs a thing of the past. Even if you closely monitor the registration for your event program, you never really know with certainty where you will land in relation to the registration, and you certainly have little or no insight into the expected participation.

With Predictive Audiences, you can: 1) track progress toward your goals in real time 2) predict results and 3) make smart recommendations based on similar historical programs and your unique goals. You can even track the likelihood of individual members registering and attending your event. It is no longer the days when your event program falls short of your goals and you have no idea how you can improve it. Optimize the flight efficiently and with confidence to accelerate buyers through the funnel and accelerate the pipeline.

Artificial intelligence for everyone

With Predictive Audiences, you can leverage the power of artificial intelligence in an accessible, basic, and easy-to-use way to achieve results without the need for onboarding or implementation. In conjunction with predictive content and account profiling, Marketo Engage offers AI-based tools for content, ABM, and now extends to basic, everyday marketing workflows through target group segmentation with predictive audiences.

Stay tuned as we prepare to launch this exciting feature soon.