
DM Favorites: Instruments and Assets

DM Favorites: Tools and Resources

Lately, every new day in quarantine has forced us to be more creative. Of course creative with our marketing initiatives, but also creative how we can concentrate and deal at home. So we've put together a short list of the tools that are currently keeping us going, from work apps to life apps (or should we say hacks) that can make things a lot easier.


Social Media Today is the lifeblood of our social media manager. She literally checks it every morning to make sure she hasn't missed any important social news. In addition, new tools, resources and tips are constantly advertised on this website, which we can investigate and test. This is a great resource for any social media manager or company that wants to introduce customers to any social platform.

Concentrate (or kill a plant).

Honestly, we think their website best describes it:

It's basically the New Age Tamagotchi – except environmentally friendly. The more focused you are, the bigger your trees (and possibly the forest) will be. It's a great psychological trick to stay on the right track during the day so you don't get off work. Best of all, they work with a REAL LIFE tree planting organization, Trees for the Future. If you earn and spend coins in the app, the app donates to the organization and everything is nice. As I said … it's our new favorite.

If you haven't heard of this app yet, miss it. This is a great solution for anyone writing content for their company or business. The main function is to analyze the readability of your content and to tell you which reading level your content is at.

Pro tip: Always try to keep your marketing content at a 6th to 8th grade reading level!

The other big part of this app is that it color-codes your content into recommendations to improve your writing, e.g. B. by dividing a sentence into two parts or by referring to the passive voice. This is the best way to keep your writing clear and precise. Words are also counted for you. This is great if you are trying to set a goal to write a certain number of words per day!

Your favorite pens

We have some really big pen nerds in our office that are highly recommended for both personal and professional use. In fact, the entire DM content team received a package so that they could make their daily writing instructions the most colorful. Natürlich They write smoothly, of course, but we're fans because of all the pretty colors (obviously). We recommend sending a package to colleagues to brighten up their day!

Did anyone say brunch? Maybe we are all just nostalgic for the days of pancakes and mimosa with friends … but the internet brunch newsletter kept our appetite at bay for now. It is a feel-good newsletter that can be read quickly, but is also full of the latest news, funny tweets, sports and animal videos from today! More importantly, keep up to date on the best daily holidays! For example, did you know that May 20th is World Bee Day? You go, little honey makers!

So there you have it, 5 quick resources to make your life a little easier in all the chaos. Hopefully some or all of these tools and resources will help you stay focused (and keep our forests alive).

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