
Chia Pet Enterprise Progress | DigitalMarketer

Hedgehog Chia pet

Sometimes we want to imagine what it was like at the first marketing meeting for the Chia Pet.

Marketing Manager: “We are launching a new product. It is a terracotta animal that you cover with seeds that then sprout and look like the animal's fur. Let's start with a customer avatar. "

Marketer # 1 slowly raises his hand: "Um … maybe enthusiastic gardeners who need a pet project … do you get it? … in winter when it's too cold to grow vegetables?"

Marketer No. 2 answers: “That could work. Or maybe smart mom bloggers looking for a new creative medium for their art? "

The marketing manager writes down both ideas. “Both great ideas. I think these two target groups could really hit the mark with this product. "

Then Marketer # 3 raises his hand. “Actually, I think the ideal customer avatar is literally every person in the world. Let's take a look at our customer avatar worksheet:

  • Goals and values? Someone who loves everything beautiful, who wants to see how things bloom before their eyes. All chias are beautiful … obviously.
  • Sources of information? Someone who looks for a little ray of light everywhere every day, searches the internet, watches TV, looks out the window …
  • Demographic information? Old and young! Male or female! Who wouldn't love a plant that sprouts from seemingly sterile clay?
  • Challenges and weak points? In a world where many things dry out and shrink, something bright and magical can solve so many problems.
  • Objection? Does this unicorn actually sprout from a plant? It does! How could anyone mind?

The room becomes silent.

The Marketing Manager's eyes light up.

Everyone claps slowly, then they throw Marketer # 3 in the air and cheer loudly while surfing the office while people throw glitter and confetti.

Okay, that didn't happen. Rumors have it that Chia Pet's marketing plan was hatched in a bar after an accomplished marketer saw the terracotta animals at a trade show. Like Marketer # 3, he saw a quirky, versatile product, and instead of putting it in a box that should only be sold in sticky souvenir shops, he saw opportunities. Opportunities that led to a three-decade sale of more than 500,000 units a year.

The lesson here?

Chia pets are amazing.

The end.

Okay good. In addition, a brilliant marketing plan can introduce any product – yes any product – into a multi-million dollar company. There are hundreds of examples of this. Think Squatty Potty and Poo-Pourri and HelloFlo Period Packs. In any case, a product with an apparently limited audience and a tough market has turned into a huge, viral money-maker.

And if Squatty Potty can sell $ 33 million in toilet stools annually, imagine what you can do with your product.

All you have to do is be like # 3 marketer and move away from marketing "the way we've always done it" and develop a plan that not only appeals to your ideal customer, but also how You reach this customer and how to show them the value of what you are trying to sell them.

How you do that?

Well, you don't have to go to a bar with your team. (Though you can.) And you don't have to be ashamed to make videos with poop unicorns or uterine piñatas. (But if you want, you can too.)

Instead, you need a vision.

Rainbow unicorn poop vision.

Rainbow ice

We can assure you that meeting the Chia Pet genius in the bar was a great meeting, but we can also assure you that it was not a one-time meeting. It was there that the ideas started, but they continued over the coming weeks in the office, boardrooms, and marketing meetings where smart marketers like marketer # 3 brought these ideas to life … and made Chia Pets a must. By product for pretty much everyone around the world.

We at DigitalMarketer love marketing. (Surprise, surprise, right?) We wake up in the morning thinking about marketing, falling asleep, dreaming of marketing and talking about marketing for our Caesar salads at lunch.

That's why we decided to use this love of marketing to create an EPIC challenge that helps companies overcome growth stunt and make profits during COVID-19. If your ideas compete with those of Chia Pet, Squatty Potty and HelloFlo, you can only imagine how exciting our offices are.

We actually take it back. You can imagine how exciting it is. It was probably synonymous with yours the day you found out that there is a Groot Chia pet.

We remind you that we believe in you.

Think of rainbow unicorns.

Think cherry slush nail polish and festive 1950s-style parties.

Think outside of the box expectedCustomer avatars and metrics and are ready to work out a new plan – a plan that will be anything but horse droppings.

Think about a great vision and be ready to implement it.

Just don't think of Chia Poo. Someone has already thought of it. We are not sure if it was Chia's best marketing idea.

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