Tag: Rules

Liberia: Three Guidelines for Advertising and marketing within the Submit-Pandemic Period

Rwanda: Young Tech Enthusiasts Drive Digital Footwear Marketing Platform

The COVID pandemic has changed the way companies sell and market their products and services to customers and there is unlikely to be a return to normalcy. Before the pandemic, corporate marketing efforts were largely focused on in-person activities such as conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, and activations. Eighteen months later, the vast majority of marketing

GDPR 2.0: What do Europe’s new AI guidelines imply for companies

GDPR 2.0: What do Europe’s new AI rules mean for businesses

This article originally appeared in the May issue of IT Pro 20/20, which is available here. To subscribe to receive every new issue in your inbox, click here.In April, the European Commission (EC) presented plans to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI). The first of its kind includes bans on practices that “manipulate people beyond their consciousness

Three Golden Guidelines of Advertising and marketing Collaboration

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In our fast-changing digital landscape, creating attention-grabbing marketing campaigns requires a wide range of expertise and skills. Building a cross-functional marketing team that draws talent from across your company can improve your marketing strategy and execution.It has been shown that bringing employees together from a company releases creativity and innovation and produces results. Individual employees