Tag: Items

Easy methods to Add Icons to WordPress Navigation Menu Objects

Create a Menu First issues first, within the capabilities.php of our theme (as normal, mine is known as Playground), we’ll register a brand new navigation menu location: 1 perform playground_setup() { 2 //Register menu places 3 register_nav_menus( 4 array( 5 ‘header-menu’ => __( ‘The Header Menu’, ‘playground’ ), 6 //extra places right here 7 )

three Key Gadgets Digital Advertising and marketing Recruiters See Leaders Add To Their Advertising and marketing Funds

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Every great marketing director knows that a well-designed marketing budget is critical to the success of your team. You need to have the resources to implement the best marketing strategy. To achieve this, digital marketing recruiters recommend considering increasing digitization and planning accordingly.Some of the main focus areas for many businesses are e-commerce, customer experience,