Tag: Bare

Capgemini and Cognizant to maintain enterprise journey at naked minimal

Capgemini and Cognizant to keep business travel to a minimum

At a remote conference, tour guides at two global consulting firms said their companies intend to cut back on business travel after the lockdown. Capgemini’s Katharina Navarro and Cognizant’s Drew Mitchell both noted that their advisors performed relatively well during the pandemic, leading companies to re-evaluate the need for regular international travel. Over the past

Report lays naked the injury Covid-19 precipitated to companies

Time of publication of the article

From Chulumanco Mahamba 1h agoShare this article:shareTweetshareshareshareE-mailshareJohannesburg – The latest data from Statistics SA (Stats SA) has highlighted the trend of liquidations during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown after more than 200 companies were liquidated in March.Stats SA has published the report Statistics of liquidations and bankruptcies, which shows the total number of liquidations recorded

50% Off The Naked Bone Cranium Creator 💀 FIRST 250 SETS ONLY

Creating stunning designs with gruesome skulls has never been easier with The Bare Bone Skull Creator. This brilliant toolkit is an interactive collection of 139+ professionally drawn elements that can be organized and composed in infinite ways. Combine dozens of different skull graphics with hundreds of accessories, horns, weapons, and more to easily create the