
Ramneek Sidhu: On the Zenith of Success in Digital Advertising and marketing

Ramneek Sidhu

The digital marketing scene is constantly changing. The ability to be consistent among teenagers in a competitive world can be very exciting and challenging enough. It takes days and months of hard work to develop strategies that can affect an entire nation. With the introduction of digital media marketing, the companies that were pushed aside due to the corona pandemic were able to regain stability with the occasional help of digital marketing consultants.

Ramneek Sidhu is one such marketing expert from Mohali City, Punjab. He had started his journey to being a pioneer of digital marketing in his late teens. It wasn’t a day before Sidhu concluded that marketing was the most suitable career option for him. He had closely observed his talent for convincing people and dealing with people, brought them together in his mind and realized that digital marketing is a place where he can use his talent to advantage.

It wasn’t a day before Sidhu concluded that marketing was the most suitable career option for him.

He started out as a freelance marketing consultant at the age of 17. With little experience to gain, the struggle to improve his work was quite tough and at times put a strain on his mental health. In the beginning he suffered many financial and productive setbacks. Over time, he began to correct his own mistakes and learn from them. As he knew, he could not survive in this world unless he made the double effort of his contemporaries, began to work tirelessly, focusing on improving his communication skills and planning better strategies based on the needs of the different customers and the technological aspects.

In 2016, Ramneek Sidhu opened his first office in the United Arab Emirates with the confidence and work experience gained from his own struggles and engagements. Since there are no mentors to guide him in the right direction, the way in which he laid the foundation for the path to success is very remarkable. When asked about the inspiration to reach the peak of success, Sidhu says, “I haven’t had the benefits that many other marketers have had in this space. I had to work my way towards my goal by myself, with no one being able to help me on occasion. So I can proudly say that my struggles, my falls, my mistakes have been my inspiration. This is the victory and the space that I have earned. I will never take a step back from where I came forward from. “

Ramneek Sidhu is very confident about his determination and passion for the work he has indulged in. Sidhu believes that the secret behind his success and customer feedback lies solely in his crucial decision to keep the customer completely satisfied with his work. Throughout his career in digital marketing, he has made sure that he is responsive to the needs of his clients and works accordingly. He plans not to expand his business to Canada in 2021.

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