
How To Make The Greatest Web site Design Suggestions | Articles

How To Make The Best Website Design Tips | Articles

A website is your digital identity. Although there is a famous quote that says, "Do not judge a book by its cover“It's hard not to judge a book by its cover. This is particularly important when evaluating a website, especially the website of an IT company. Once the visual element is impressive, people tend to turn to the details. If you are an IT company and want to have your typical identity online, you need to be regularly informed about changing web trends. Let's take a look at the "Website design tips and tricks for IT companiesIn this blog.

Table of Contents

  1. Importance of website design tips for technology
  2. Website design tips – building blocks of website layout
  • 2.1. MFI compatibility
  • 2.2. Size of the pictures and videos
  • 2.3. SEO ranking parameters
  1. Website design tips and tricks for IT companies
  • 3.1. Go to the grid web layout
  • 3.2. Avoid stock images
  • 3.3. Select the "Call for action" buttons
  • 3.4. On the way to social media platforms
  • 3.5. Easy website navigation
  • 3.6. Embrace the white room
  • 3.7. Content is king
  • 3.8. Color theme
  • 3.9. Present your customers / partners
  • 3.10. Show clear and updated information
  1. Conclusion

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1. Importance of website design tips for technology

Website design tips

Today's internet users are better informed and informed about the constantly changing web trends. The development of the IT industry has had a decisive impact on people's lives. The digital age is currently experiencing so much of the digital transformation that tiny aspects such as:

  1. The design and layout of the website
  2. The quality of service from IT companies etc.

A potential customer does a thorough background check of an IT company before contacting them to work on projects together. Every single detail counts on the digital platform. Of all, website design plays a critical role as it is the only visual element available to judge and build trust on. So if you are Create or revise a websiteyou need to know the importance of each and every detail on the website.

2. Website design tips

Before you go into the actual technology website design tips, you need to examine the following technical aspects:

2.1. MFI compatibility

MFI compatibility

MFI is the short form of mobile-first indexing. Now that most of the surfing is done on smartphones, the website ranking is examining MFI compatibility. This contributes to the loading time of a website on devices other than desktops / laptops such as smartphones, tablets etc. When creating or revising your website, make sure it's MFI compliant.

2.2. Size of the pictures and videos

Size of the pictures and videos

Since smartphones have developed drastically, the enjoyment of pictures and videos has increased alarmingly. Authentic pictures and videos increase the quality of a website. However, if you focus on this aspect, you need to make sure that the website's loading time is not affected. Inserting images and videos means that they are difficult to load, which has a direct impact on the loading time of the website. Be sure to reduce the size of images and videos while preserving their quality.

2.3. SEO ranking parameters

SEO ranking parameters

The ultimate goal of putting so much effort into building websites is to get a good rank. Google's SEO ranking factors must be taken into account at every step of the construction / revision of the website. You have to keep an eye on that Google Page Speed Your website too. Check your website's Speed ​​Insights page here.

Before you fine-tune your website for other important elements, make sure that you consider the technical aspects mentioned above. These are the ultimate end results that you need to work on at the end of the day.

3. Tips and tricks for website design for IT companies

After knowing the technical aspects of website design tips, consider them and build / revise your website accordingly. Below are some of the most important website design tips, apart from the core technical tips above.

3.1. Go to the grid web layout

Raster web layout

It is good practice to have good visual layout clarity. The grid layout is one of the many tips for website design that offer a good UX answer. Check out the screenshot below to see it for yourself.

3.2. Avoid stock images

Stock Images

Web users are pretty much aware of reality today. They look forward to seeing your offer in real time. As part of the technology website design tips, use real-time images from your office / work. This will be more authentic.

3.3. Select the "Call for action" buttons

Select the "Call for action" buttons

One of the most important tips for website design for technology is a visible and highlighted call-to-action button. The ultimate goal of a website is to make a sale / a deal. So you need to make sure the Call to Action button is highlighted.

3.4. On the way to social media platforms

Social media platforms

Social media is now an integral part of everyone's life. Not being on platforms where there is great social engagement is a loss. Therefore, you must have social media accounts on all social media platforms and ensure that these hyperlinks are embedded in your website. It is one of the successful tips and tricks for website design for IT companies.

3.5. Easy website navigation

Easy website navigation

Easily navigating the website is a mandatory point to consider when creating / revising your website. Once you have visitors to your website, you need to make sure they find what they are looking for. This is one of the most important tips and tricks for website design for IT companies.

3.6. Embrace the white room

Embrace the white room

Simplicity is the new sophistication. Just because you have space, don't fill it with information and pictures. According to good “tips on website design”, viewers of the website can find exactly what they were looking for with spaces. This is due to the fact that when the entire background is white and only certain information is displayed, the eyes tend to look at it with ease.

3.7. Content is king

Content is king

"Content is King," it says. But it's pretty true. Content is all about the valuable information you give your customers. Since more importance is attached to organic search results, the keywords used in the content are an essential “key” to rank well in the overall SEO ranking. Make the most of these keywords in your blogs. Use these website design tips for technology to rank higher.

3.8. Color theme

Color theme

It is important to have a color theme that is visually soothing. This is because website color themes have an impact on the visual perception of the website visitor. Nowadays, dark topics are more preferred. Take a look at the screenshot below to choose the color contrast.

3.9. Present your customers / partners

Present your customers

One of the most important tips and tricks for website design for IT companies is the presentation of your partners and customers. This improves your authentic reputation. Your customer's reputation will also strengthen your reputation. In the end it's about mutual growth.

3.10. Delete and update the ad information

Clear and updated information

poeticbusiness is power. Following all the tips and tricks for website design for IT companies and the lack of a clear presentation of your services and products is a huge loss. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when viewing important information. From the font and size of the text to the color of the text and the background plays a role here. So keep it simple. In this way, you can make your website visitors find the essential information easily. Check out the screenshot below.

4. Conclusion

The website design tips discussed above correspond to current web trends. Run a regular website health check. It is important that you update your website according to current website design strategies. Because Google takes all of this into account when it comes to SEO ranking of your website.

In addition to the SEO ranking, it is important to pay attention to successful business in the long term. Investors / customers / customers have an eye for all these updates and upgrades if they want to do business with you. As an IT company, you may need to follow all of these “Website Designing Tips for IT Companies” to keep up with current web trends.