
Enterprise Discuss – Information: Portsmouth Information and Data (Portsmouth)

Business Talk - News: Portsmouth News and Information (Portsmouth)

Free advice for companies

Published: May 11, 2021 3:51 PM
Could your company benefit from free daily advice?

In a one-day session, Chartered Management Degree Apprentices from the University of Portsmouth will thoroughly examine your company and provide suggestions for improvement.

Past clients included Nathan Glover in Agent November’s escape rooms. He said, “It was great to have a new perspective on my business from a slew of bright, enthusiastic professionals. Since I’ve been running my business for almost six years, I’m sure I can’t see that.” Wood for the trees sometimes, so it was great that so many new ideas came from the students.

“My team and I are already implementing many of their suggestions, and the exercise has been a very useful stepping stone for future innovation in the company. I would recommend this opportunity to anyone looking to innovate or improve their business.”

James Shillito, Senior Business Support Officer for Adult Health and Care for Hampshire County Council, said, “We have reviewed the company’s internal and external challenges and identified its current strengths and weaknesses. We have proposed a number of strategies and models that can Agent November could help us thrive. This exercise was a very welcome way to round out our first year learning. “

Becky Quew-Jones, Director of Degree Apprenticeships, noted the importance of applying academic and theoretical models to a real-world case study. She said, “This has been an extremely useful exercise for our trainees and has given them an opportunity to apply the academic knowledge and expertise acquired over the year, as well as how well the course is taught online and how adaptable our trainees are using the different platforms.

“It also provides an excellent opportunity to embed the Chartered Manager Institute’s standards, which are essential to the learning and training of our trainees. We are very interested in working with other companies and can make insightful and detailed recommendations. We look forward to hearing from all companies who would like us to review their business. “

If you would like to work with our trainees and bring their expertise to your company, contact Becky Quew-Jones at [email protected].

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