
Affinity Grain Brushes for Entry All Areas Members

Access All Areas members can download a brilliant collection of Affinity Designer brushes this week, courtesy of MiksKS. This handmade brush set contains 12 granular brushes for shading and adding textures to your drawings. To use these brushes, you need Affinity Photo or Designer (these brushes work in Affinity Designer's Pixel Persona). A pen tablet is also recommended to activate the pressure sensitive function.


Hi! My name is Kim and since I was young I have always enjoyed creating things. Some time ago, I decided to open a store to sell digital resources. It's been a great experience so far because I learned a lot about designing digital products! I spend most of my time in my studio (also known as a natural environment), where I mainly create brushes for procreate, textures, graphic elements and text effects. Spoon Graphics readers can use the code SPOONGRAPHICS10 to get a 10% discount on every MiksKS product.

Find out more about MiksKS

Affinity grain brushes for access to all areas Members "width =" 660 "height =" 2196 "data-jpibfi-post-excerpt =" "data-jpibfi-post-url =" Premium / affinity grain brushes for access to all areas members "data-jpibfi-post-title =" Affinity grain brushes for access to all areas members "data-jpibfi- =" "data-src =" https: //blog.spoongraphics. "class =" alignnone size-full wp-image-10813 lazyload "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "/></p><p>This brush set for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo contains 12 brushes in .afbrush format as well as a practical JPG color field for a quick preview of all brush effects. Use the brushes to shade your graphic, paint with the brushes only in certain areas for a grunge look, or create a new layer and paint the entire layer with one of the brushes and apply a blending mode to create a grainy texture to create.</p><p class=Access this download