
Sport England launches Be part of The Motion marketing campaign

Sport England - join the movement

Sports England, a non-departmental public facility, announced a brand new campaign in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) called Join The Movement with the hashtag #StayInWorkOut. The campaign, funded by The national lottery, provides advice and tools that individuals may need to stay active while the country is dealing with the outbreak of the corona virus.

The campaign offers various options on the Sport England website to stay active while restricted. Staying active at home can be difficult. However, the website offers exclusive offers and workouts from content providers such as Les Mills on demand, Joe Wicks (The body Trainer), and FiiT to make it a little easier.

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There is also the latest advice on going outside, with tools to help you get the most out of the fresh air during your daily walk, run or bike ride, such as: B. At least two meters or more away from people outside your home.

The campaign also includes information about joining Join The Movement and a tab with the facts about the latest government restrictions. The government's official advice is to stay at home and go outside only one form of exercise a day to look for basic needs when there is a medical reason and to travel to and from important work.

Join The Movement encourages everyone to stay active and for those who have found a way to stay active at home or outdoors, use the hashtag #StayInWorkOut on social media and share their experiences with others. You should also remember to review government advice if you think you have symptoms related to coronavirus.