
Wall’s requires happiness to develop into the true measure of social progress

Wall demands that happiness become the true measure of social progress

Wall’s new manifesto suggests that happiness resides in social connections and communities, while also calling for happiness to become a recognized marker of social progress

According to a new manifesto of the global ice cream brand wallsPeople around the world are demanding that happiness be recognized as a marker of social progress. The insights launched at Goals House were revealed as part of the results of a global survey that examined the effects of lockdowns on people’s perceptions of happiness.

The manifesto, entitled “Wall’s Manifesto For A Happier World,” includes Wall’s research conducted in 12 different countries around the world and interviewed 12,500 people.

65% say that interactions with people during lockdown changed their attitudes towards happiness; 78% now firmly believe that happiness and wellbeing should take precedence over money; 63% want their government to take action to put happiness before economic recovery. 58% found that human connection makes them really happy; 76% admitted that they knew more about celebrity lives than their own neighbors (but that changed during the lockdown). 62% said the lockdown made them feel more part of their community.

The Wall’s Manifesto reflects the past year, arguing that global lockdowns caused people to reevaluate the priorities of life. For too long, people have sought happiness in the wrong places, and isolation from family and friends has reaffirmed the importance of human connection and community support in our lives.

Commenting on the manifesto, Lord Richard Layard, Happiness Expert, LSE professor and co-author of the World Happiness Report, said: “What we see in the dates of this manifesto is an indication of broader societal change. For too long, people have associated material possessions, financial prosperity, and success with happiness. And while these are undoubtedly important, people realize that it is human relationships and connections that bring true meaning and happiness to their lives. This is a topic that I have been studying for many decades, and it is encouraging that this realization will gain momentum. “

Society’s clear desire to rethink the measurement of national development presents an opportunity to change the current system that overlooks happiness and wellbeing. As an official partner of the United Nations SDSN World Happiness Report, Wall’s is committed to promoting the happiness movement so that governments prioritize the happiness of their citizens.

World-renowned economics professor and senior UN adviser Jeffrey Sachs said: “People in every culture and society share common hopes and aspirations for a better world. Increasing global networking depends on a strong home base of family and community. That’s the beauty of a networked world: meaning begins at home and reaches the entire planet. “

Wall’s will work through 2021 and beyond to bring together academics, policymakers, corporations, communities, and activists to consider how people can design a future where happiness is seen as a measure of development.

In this way, and by celebrating togetherness and social connections in the community, everyone can create a better world and live a happier future.

Ian Maskell, Wall’s vice president, said, “Wall’s provides the world with 28 billion servings of happiness every year. Our experience of spreading happiness and bringing people together makes us determined to lead the global movement to prioritize happiness. People are happiest when they are well connected with friends, family, and community. Wall’s is committed to creating social connections. Please join us to make the world a happier place. “