Tag: peaks

“Inside Look” with David Finberg from Peaks Digital Advertising

"Inside Look" with David Finberg from Peaks Digital Marketing

Every week at Inside Look, our moderator Mike White speaks to experts from the media buying industry. This week Mike is speaking to David Finberg from Peaks Digital Marketing. More information is available at http://www.peaksdigitalmarketing.com. BluHorn Media Planning and Buying Software is an affordable, user-friendly tool that advertising agencies, media buyers / planners, and digital

‘The snowy peaks of British enterprise stay stubbornly White’

For the first time in six years, the UK’s largest corporations have stopped holding senior positions. Activists accuse blue-chip companies of paying lip service to measures to promote diversity. According to research by the consultancy Green Park, there are no black directors, chairmen, or finance directors in any FTSE 100 company. The i newsletter latest