
Simulation Coaching Finest Practices

Simulation Training Best Practices

With simulation trainingThey capture the essence of a real scenario. This enables a realistic experience while keeping the employee in a controlled environment and enables him to learn from situations he encounters while reducing the risk of mistakes.

If you want to take advantage of simulation training, you have to apply this learning approach correctly. Below are some best practices for simulation training that can help you with this.

Plan the training accordingly

Most professionals spend their days juggling different tasks and priorities. This can make training planning difficult because you don't want to hinder an appointment Employee productivity but also have to make sure that they participate.

Ideally, you want to make sure that your simulation training is always available. An on-demand model offers a certain degree of flexibility so that the time of training can be adapted to the needs of each employee. However, it is also advisable to ensure that learners have the opportunity to repeat the training several times, preferably over a short period of time and not on a single day. You may need to work with the employee and their manager to ensure that the activity is assigned the correct time.

Integrating the curriculum is a necessity

While many simulations could stand on their own, it is always best to incorporate these learning experiences into your larger training program. This ensures that every employee first acquires basic knowledge via their eLearning platform and then moves on to the simulation functionally, which increases their chances of success.

In addition, yours main curriculum This allows you to expand the topics presented in the simulation or to reinforce the concepts used. This leads to more repetitions in a multitude of transmission mechanisms, which can promote information storage.

Select the correct simulation objects

Usually, the creation of simulations costs more than conventional e-learning. In addition, designing the simulation can be very time consuming. Therefore, you want to choose your subject areas carefully.

If you have an education that is dangerous to perform or participate in practical exercises, it may be an ideal candidate for simulation. The same applies to competency-based learning, which requires expensive equipment or materials. If you want the learner to do several tasks under pressure, a simulation can also do this.

In contrast, it's best to skip creating a simulation to teach abstract theories. Similarly, a simulation may not be cost effective if the skill can be learned cheaply and without risk in the real world.

Make the simulation training adaptable

By including difficulty levels in your simulation training, you can give learners the opportunity to tailor their training to their needs. Those who become familiar with a skill can choose an easier setting to gain confidence and learn the basics. Advanced learners can make simulation more difficult and complex, thus improving their skills.

Include a debrief at the end

After participating in a training simulation, let the learner talk about their experience with their manager or a trainer. They can describe the challenges they face, receive valuable feedback and respond to the event in other ways. In addition, a reflection phase can help to improve knowledge retention and increase the effectiveness of the training.

Do you need L&D experts to create your simulation training?

At poeticbusiness Consultants, we have more than a quarter of a century of experience in L&D. By partnering with us, you gain access to partners who can help you find highly qualified L&D experts who can help your company in the fast-paced business world needed today. If you are looking for L&D experts who can help you develop simulation training, the poeticbusiness Consultants team can make the process as easy as possible. Contact us to learn more about our unique services and how you can benefit from our L&D expertise.