
Right here’s The whole lot It’s worthwhile to Construct Your First Advertising Blitz Launch

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Introducing a new product or service is exciting, but very stressful.

Much is at stake.

If you don't turn enough heads, you get a huge bill of paid ads that aren't showing leads.

Or worse, if you attract attention but don't position your product properly, you run the risk of ruining that valuable first impression.

You see, the sad truth is that besides your brand, your customers have plenty of other places to get their attention.

The possibilities are endless …

As marketers, this means we have to work so much more difficult rise above the noise and have a lasting effect. Especially when we bring out something new.

This is why we at DigitalMarketer chose a different path to start the new one.

We call it the Marketing Blitz Launch.

What is a Marketing Blitz Launch?

If you're unfamiliar with a marketing blitz, here's a quick rundown.

A Blitz Launch is a 7-day multi-channel awareness campaign that directs all traffic to a single “Big Idea” piece of content, which then leads to a relevant and urgent special offer.

Let's sum it up:

  • 7-day multi-channel awareness campaign: For the flash to work, you need your message everywhere. Social media, email, blog, and ads will all come into play.
  • Points traffic to a single "Big Idea" content item: Similar to a funnel, all your traffic points to the same page. This way, regardless of their origin, your customers will all see the same consistent piece of content.
  • Then the journey leads to a relevant and urgent special offer: The urgency will help generate buzz and the small but relevant question will help seal the deal.

Now that you know what a lightning start is, let's cover all of the essential elements you will need to create your own elements.

The 7 elements of a lightning launch campaign

Every lightning start you do contains a version of these 7 elements.

# 1 You need a great idea

Before you can start building your campaign, you need to have your big idea in place.

The great idea content will make or break your lightning launch. All traffic you create points to that one piece of content. So it must be amazing.

You can showcase your big idea as a blog post, article, video, or even as a kind of manifesto.

Your big idea needs to get your customers to do the following:

  • acknowledge and accept a New Reality / paradigm, and
  • Take a recommended action based on this new belief.

These "new realities" can take different forms …

  1. A new revelation: Tell your customer something really new. Just watch 10 minutes of the morning news and I guarantee you will learn how some "new studies show that …" People are always looking for something new and exciting.
  2. A new perspective: Give your customer a new way of looking at something. Intermittent fasting is a good example of this. At the time, everyone believed that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Then a group of people come along and they say, "No, it's not that, and here's why …" It was a whole new perspective on breakfast.
  3. Confirm your suspicions: Tell your customers that they were right all along. Political campaigns often use this tactic. If you can talk to a group and amplify their thoughts and feelings, they will follow you. Confirming a person's suspicion can sometimes be painful at first (after all, not all suspicions are good), but it's a powerful way to get that person on board with your message.

Regardless of your approach to the "new reality", your ultimate goal is to Connect this new reality with a deep wish from your client.

Then you need to create your call to action. This could be anything from asking people to subscribe to a pre-launch list, registering for an event, or even taking a poll / poll.

If you are asking someone to buy something, make sure it is an entry-level offer that costs no more than $ 50.

Free trials work great here too.

Once you've written your big idea post, it's time to create your campaign.

# 2 You need a three part series of emails

We say it all the time because it's true all of you!

Email is not dead. It's alive and well, and drives over 85% of the traffic to our sales pages when we post deals!

This meansyou need to include email in your startup.

Much of the awareness and interest in getting started requires some level of social evidence. While getting some new customers as a result of your launch is important, you should also use your warm audience as megaphones to share and amplify your message.

We encourage you to create a three-part email campaign series dedicated to this launch.

# 3 You need paid ads

Whether it's Facebook, Google, YouTube, or LinkedIn, you need targeted ads to raise awareness.

The upside of paid ads is that you can Target yourself with the people who you know are interested in the product and are receptive to the big idea.

Ads are also great because they help promote your brand and increase overall awareness. Additionally, increasing the traffic to your big idea will improve your brand's organic ranking.

After all, paid ads are great as they help create opportunities to realign your customers so that your big idea can seem like they are everywhere!

# 4 You need a video sales letter

Video is one of the most interesting and effective media to promote your big idea and offer.

It has been shown that conversions increase significantly on both sales pages and ads.

However, you don't have to waste time creating 18 different videos for your campaign.

All you need is a really great Video Sales Letter (VSL) that you can chip off in a number of different ways.

# 5 You need a pillar blog post

Another essential element of your campaign is an evergreen blog content. This content is there to draw the readers of your blog to your big ideas page.

The great thing about a good blog post is that it's easy to share.

Do you remember what we said about using your warm audience as a megaphone for your message? A well-written blog post with a shareable link will do just that!

When creating your blog post, make sure that it is evergreen content. In this way the piece can live on even after completing the doctorate.

# 6 You need a banner ad

The right graphic can really help your audience connect with and engage with your content.

For this reason, we believe a banner is essential for any Blitz launch campaign.

These banners can be used for blog headers, banner ads, homepage banners, or even headers in emails and newsletters. When you see a similar version of the same graphic, your audience will recognize your content and ads, which will help you stand out from the rest of the noise online.

# 7 You need some awareness assets

The first 6 assets are supposed to lead people to the main content of the big idea. However, it's always a bonus Content that is purely awareness-raising (not necessarily a sale).

Social media, video ads, newsletter articles, and text notifications are great examples of awareness resources.

These little snippets can help introduce people to the big concepts of ideas and prepare them for the rest of your critical elements. You can use these elements to take people straight to the big ideas page, or you can refer them to your blog post or VSL page.

Starting something new may feel daunting at first, but with the right big idea and a well-thought out campaign, your Blitz Start will help you gain the awareness and commitment you need to produce amazing results.

Want to learn more about how to create an awesome lightning start? Check out this workshop taught by our own Ryan Deiss and the team at DigitalMarketer.

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