
Learn how to Create a Content material Calendar for Your YouTube Technique

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In the world of social media marketing, planning must become your best friend if you want to achieve the desired success.

We're not just talking about tons of followers … we're talking about the YouTube videos that make SALES.

The only way to make these sales is to publish the videos that drive viewers to your landing pages. This is where your content calendar comes into play.

If you don't have a content calendar, you will quickly become confused and unsure of what's on your plate. This strategy may work a little, but after a while you will find that scalable strategies are right where they are.

A content calendar gives you a roadmap of what is on your plate this month and when you should advertise which offer. It will be one of the main reasons why you get more than just followers. You are SELLING! And why don't we make YouTube videos at all?

So let's examine how you can create a content calendar for your YouTube strategy that will make your life as a business owner, agency, or marketer much easier.

Here are the 5 steps to create your YouTube content calendar.

# 1: Choose your upload schedule

How often will you upload videos?

There are many different schedules you can choose for your YouTube strategy, and there isn't necessarily a correct answer. It just depends on your industry and your team.

For example, a YouTube vlogger cannot expect uploading a video to pay off each month. For their industry, viewers want to be in constant contact with their favorite vloggers and they want to see them as often as possible. Uploading 3 videos a week is a good start for a vlogger.

However, if you're an agency owner who publishes marketing strategy information, you can post a great video every week. If you feel like a high-flyer, you can post three times a week.

This brings us to the second part of choosing your schedule: your team. If you're a solo show, make sure your YouTube schedule is realistic. For example, if you do all the work in your agency and need to record, edit, and upload 3x YouTube videos a week, this can result in you biting more than you can chew.

If you have a team of 10 and know that two of your team members can edit such a release schedule, give the green light to a release schedule three times a week.

Decide which schedule is best for your industry and team, and then decide which days you want your videos to live. It can be every Tuesday or every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Whatever works best for your audience and schedule.

# 2: Select the topics you want to create your videos on

I bet you weren't surprised to see this task in your content calendar task list. Right, the second thing you need to create a content calendar is… content.

Sit down and find out which content is best suited for your audience. You want to create as many content topics as you need to create videos per month (and possibly a few extras if a topic doesn't work).

For example, if you post 1 video a week each month, you need 4-6 content ideas. You can either develop all of these ideas in one brainstorming session per month, or more than 12 ideas at a time, so you have 3 months of content to film.

But WHERE can you find content topics that your audience wants to see?

  • Quora: Find questions about your industry and create videos that answer those questions
  • AnswerThePublic: Search for your industry and look for questions that you can answer in your videos
  • Ask your customers: Send surveys about what your customers want from you and search customer feedback for frequently asked questions
  • Facebook groups: Read your Facebook group's posts on your industry to see what your customer avatar is struggling with
  • YouTube: Search YouTube to see what content works really well in your niche and find out how you can make what it has even better

With your upload schedule and content topics, it's time to publish your upcoming product launches, promotions, and offers to ensure that your content matches what you're selling.

# 3: Add your product launches, promotions and new offers to your calendar

If you're wondering where your YouTube video theme ideas went, we'll get back to that in the next step.

First, we want to make sure that your upcoming product launches, promotions, and new offers are on your calendar so we know when you need your content to support certain products or services you offer.

This is the time to add everything to your calendar on the day it starts. You want to have the day your new product hits the market, the day you announce a new promotion, and the day you talk about a new offer.

It is important that you have all of this data, as we process your YouTube videos around these promotions so that your content flows into everything you are doing.

# 4: Paste your ideas for YouTube video content into your calendar

Okay, now to the part that you probably thought was the first thing in this article – inserting your YouTube content into your calendar. After you have all your launches, promotions, and offers on your calendar, you can easily determine which content topic should go live every week.

For example, if we are promoting our Social Media Mastery course in the middle of the month, we would like to publish a YouTube video on social media marketing this week so that we can get more visitors to this offer.

Do you see what we're doing here?

Your YouTube strategy is not just for views and followers. You want to use YouTube as an asset to generate more sales in your company. When you combine your YouTube content calendar with your advertising calendar, you create a coherent calendar that fits together like peanut butter and jelly. 🥜

# 5: Select the dates you want to promote your YouTube videos to

Last but not least, your content calendar must contain the dates on which you also advertise your YouTube content.

For example, if you want to publish YouTube videos on Tuesdays, you want to promote this video every week on Monday and Tuesday.

  • On Monday, you'll talk about what it's going to be like tomorrow, and ask your audience to turn on their post notifications so they know when your video is live on YouTube
  • On Tuesday, you will remind your audience that your video has just gone online and give them the link to check out

You want this information on your calendar so you can see what you're promoting and on which day. This means that you won't trip when it's time to advertise a video to bring your advertising together. You can get started and sail smoothly through the day. The reason content calendars exist is to make our life as content creators easier. Use a YouTube content calendar to integrate your YouTube strategy into your overall marketing strategy and ensure that you adhere to your upload schedule.

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