
Election Vodka, impressed by the highly-anticipated US presidential race

Vodka, inspired by the much-anticipated race of the US President

The Election Vodka is a limited-edition spirit made in America that has been launched on the market without any promise to improve someone's life or plan the rest of the year

With a global pandemic and an economic and civil crisis since the beginning of the decade – Choice vodka, a limited-edition American-made product, starts without promises to improve someone's life or how the rest of the year will go.

Everything is terrible. This vodka is bearable.

Inspired by this year's highly anticipated presidential race and its lackluster candidate pair, Election Flavored Vodka is available in two berry flavors: “Raspberry Rage” – a great choice for those with the status quo and “Bleeding Heart Blueberry”. – A refreshing option for those looking for change, but without a lot of options. None of the flavors is exceptional. But you have to win.

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Election Flavored Vodka is going online this summer with its "MEH 2020" campaign, a comprehensive, satirical guide on how to drink your way through the rest of the year. Expect memes, puns, cocktail recipes, drinking game debates, and more. Follow Election Flavored Vodka on Instagram @electionvodka to contribute photos, videos, posts and stories with the hashtags #electionvodka and # MEH2020. Visit the company's website for more information and to follow America's vodka-flavored journey.