
CuriosityStream media firm campaigns Keep In, Keep Curious


CuriosityStream, a leading global media company, announced the "Stay in, Stay Curious" campaign, which includes an expanded "Kids" mode and creates a child-friendly space in the library of award-winning documentaries and series.

To be as accessible as possible, CuriosityStream temporarily lowers its annual subscription price to just $ 12 / £ 10.27. Viewers of all ages have instant access to thousands of interesting and entertaining feature films, series and short films about science, nature, history, travel, adventure, lifestyle and more.

For younger viewers, kids mode is a feature that is now available for all CuriosityStream subscriptions and devices. When enabled for a user account, access to content is filtered out, the visually explicit violence that is occasionally seen in historical replicas, shows with distracting images, and visually explicit sexual content that is occasionally seen in nature films.

“As our world has entered uncharted waters in the past few weeks, we have been trying to speed up projects like 'Children's Mode' which we hope will make it a little easier for parents to entertain their children and learn while maintaining peace of mind that you are in a healthy and safe content environment, ”said Devin Emery, head of growth at CuriosityStream. "We want to do what we can to support families and help children continue to pique their curiosity while spending more time at home."

Created by media visionary John Hendricks, CuriosityStream is the award-winning destination for documentary series and features that cover everything from space exploration to adventure to the secret life of pets. With thousands of titles, including exclusive originals, CuriosityStream delivers shows across the full spectrum of the non-fiction genre.