
Completely different Varieties of Video Advertising and marketing Methods

Different Types of Video Marketing Strategies

Answer this question – would you prefer to watch or read about a 5 minute video about assembling a piece of furniture? The answer is obvious. This is because the visual representation of people is most preferred as it makes content easier to understand and it also saves time.

If you have not yet started incorporating video marketing into your online marketing strategy, this article should be your mark to get started right away.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing refers to the use of videos by businesses, firms, or individuals to market their products and / or services, expand their target audience, and increase sales. It falls under digital marketing and is a pretty integral channel that intersects with content marketing.

Videos are one of the most widely consumed formats of audience content in the world. Hence, video marketing must be part of every marketer’s repertoire. Do you know that it has been observed that six out of ten people prefer to watch videos online rather than television?

How Do I Create a Video Marketing Strategy?

The different steps involved in creating a video marketing strategy are briefly outlined below:

  • Get to know your target group as well as possible.

  • Set your goals based on what you want to achieve with videos (increase in sales, brand awareness, etc.).

  • Think of a message that your videos will reflect to effectively target your audience

  • Set up a reasonable video budget and don’t go overboard. Plan everything carefully.

  • Optimize the content of your videos to ensure that it reaches the target audience through the various channels. Note that different platforms require different approaches.

  • Test your campaigns and see what changes can be made to ensure that the content you post there is optimized to effectively reach audiences.

  • Think CTV (Connected TV) ads. This refers to televisions that are connected to the internet (or smart TVs). You can use CTV ads to make sure your content gets to those TVs too.

Types of Videos in Video Marketing Strategies

The different types of videos used in video marketing strategies are listed below:

Explanatory videos

As the name suggests, explainers are a great way to help the audience understand new concepts. For example, if you are marketing a product or service that is new and isn’t exactly what people can pick up right away, you can always use these type of videos.

Including explanators on your home page or landing pages can do the trick. Such videos usually have animated graphics with a narrator in the background explaining the product in question, or anything else a company wants to explain.

Spot videos

These commercials range from 15 to 30 seconds and are known as commercials. They are the most basic videos that one can produce. The content that appears in these videos is not fixed and can vary widely.

The main goal in producing such videos is that they can be easily distributed anywhere. Be it commercial breaks, between or before YouTube videos or before the trailers are shown everywhere in the cinema.

The key to creating good spot videos is to keep them as engaging and brief as possible. Furthermore, because of their brevity, these videos can also be easily shared on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Demonstrative product videos

The title explains the purpose of such videos pretty well. Having a demonstration of a product not only helps market it effectively, but also helps ensure your audience understands how it works, features, and benefits.

These videos usually feature a lively presenter who walks the audience through the various aspects of the product in question. Animated videos are also used for this purpose.

Don’t stop yourself from coming up with quirky ideas during product demonstrations, however. The aim is to inform the audience about the product. This can be done in a number of ways, provided it is effective.

Brand Story Videos

Videos that talk about the brand’s history not only make the brand appear more authentic and believable, but they also help market the brand as a whole. Instead of just marketing specific products or services, you are marketing a brand in its entirety.

Also known as culture videos, these will even help you find the right talent. Culture videos work wonders when it comes to attracting passionate people who could potentially work for you.

BTS videos

Behind the scenes BTS or videos give the audience a glimpse into the evolution of the products they like. Not only development, but also sales and everything else that happens from the idea to the development of the products.

It helps brands “flex” or demonstrate their crafting skills and build trust with customers. This is because the more the audience feels they are part of the process, the more invested in the products.

Employee travel videos

Make sure to create videos that show the story of your employees at the lower levels of the company as well, rather than just showing the best of your brand in their elegant offices and other locations.

Develop short portraits that not only appeal to your audience, but also encourage and motivate your employees as they know that your company values ​​them. When everyone feels involved, the overall performance of a company increases.

Testimonials from customers

This is a surefire way to get new customers because people usually believe what they see. And if they see an avid existing customer saying good things about your product, they will most likely buy it, or even if they just consider it, it’s a win-win situation.

When you hear a customer rave about the importance of your brand’s product, it increases its importance to the audience and, therefore, leads to more sales. And that is exactly what testimonials show that make them so effective in video marketing.


The list above features some of the most common and effective types of videos used in video marketing strategies. Make sure you include them in your strategies, and even look for more types that best fit the message you want to get across to your audience.

For more information on such content, please visit the Digital Ready blog section. Also, check out the different digital marketing courses we offer and take your first step to becoming a digital marketer.