
10 Tricks to Design Picture Advertisements for Higher CTRs | Sources

10 Tips to Design Image Ads for Better CTRs | Resources

Millions of people install ad blockers faster than Bill Gates makes money. More people have desensitized themselves to running ads. This means that your design image ads "Hit their facesHarder than before. Here are 10 tips to help you Design image ads to improve your clickthrough rates.

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1. Picture is everything

You can create or disable the graphics used in your ads. The dimensions are usually small and you don't have much space to work. To ensure that your image is in focus, say out loud what is the visual element that summarizes the concept of your ad. If you can't explain the picture in a word or two, other people cannot make statements about your ads.

2. Structure

Good display ads follow a structure. This structure is:

  • Your logo
  • Your unique selling proposition (Ultimate Sales Proposition)
  • A representation of the service
  • CTA button

This structure (or hierarchy) is important for design image ads because it can distinguish the ad from the rest of the content on your pages. Ignite Visibility has an ad management team that helps you easily create ads for the best click-through rates.

3. Frames

Frames have the transformative power to keep our eyes on them. Banners and pictures with a frame stick out from the rest of the page. This makes them a little more prone to focus on the users.

4. Give gifts

When I went home from work one night, a random stranger stopped me on the street. He gave me a $ 25 gift card for the PlayStation Network. His reason? He said, "I wanted to do something nice for someone." We humans love gifts. Give users gifts such as discounts, coupons, ideas for creative gifts or freebies.

5. Color

When you think of Coca-Cola, you think red. Pepsi? Blue. MC Donalds? Red and yellow. Choosing a color palette for your image ads (and also for your business) is a subtle art. When you deal with the psychology of color, your ads become more interesting to users because they stimulate their senses, increasing the likelihood that they will follow you.

6. Consistency

Does your ad match your branding? Does your landing page match your branding? Make sure that every element of the design ad – from the CTA to the landing page / video page / sales page – matches the overall message of your brand.

7. Don't be stale

People love curios. Quirks make companies appear more personal and human and not as corporate or faceless. Don't be afraid to design ads that appear “different”. We're not trying to win awards, we're trying to get customers to click on ads. Hundreds of ads appear on countless websites every day. It's easy to get lost in the "white noise" when your ads resemble any other design ad.

8. Simplicity

"Keep It Simple, Stupid" is so widespread that it becomes a cliché. With good reason: it works. The simplicity is underestimated in today's world where every company annoys customers with ads. Make every element of your design ad reduced and minimalistic – complexity is the enemy here. This is in line with Google Marketing's concept of keeping content appealing, precise and clear.

9. Urgency

Marketers and copywriters have proven time and time again that customers and prospects respond to urgency. For example, Amazon often lets you know that X quantities are in stock. Show other users that if they don't click on your ad, they will lose the opportunity to make a lot of money forever. For example, 75% off a $ 2,000 seminar for the first 100 people who click the ad.

10. Message

Many companies and brands make the mistake of having too much space in their image ads. Whether in the form of graphics, images or texts: the message that should interest the viewer is mixed up. Focus on the advertising message by asking yourself, "What should the user do?" Then design your ad so that the user does what you want, in as few and clean ways as possible.


Videos and animations have become synonymous with the provision of Internet content. Nevertheless, static image ads have their place. The design of the ad is no different from the implementation of other important design principles. You pay for this place: Use it wisely to generate income or leads.